The Trafalgar Way marks the journey in 1805 of the Naval messenger from his ship HMS Pickle docked at Falmouth to The Admiralty in London. The news he was carrying was victory at the battle of Trafalgar and the death of Lord Nelson.

This year on “ Pickle Night” Wednesday 6th November, The Salts will perform in The Crypt under Trafalgar Square !

Last year 2023 The Salts followed Lieutenant Lapenotiere’s route, stopping at the plaques and playing concerts along the way. Culminating with a celebratory concert on "Pickle Night” in central London close to The Admiralty and Trafalgar Square.

Friday 3rd November - Falmouth National Maritime Museum

Saturday 4th November - Exeter Phoenix with Phil Beer.

Sunday 5th November - Blandford Forum Corn Exchange

Pickle Night Monday 6th November - London 116 Pall Mall

Remember, remember the 6th of November Nelson : Victory and shot. I see no reason why the Pickle Night season could ever be forgot