Portobello Live! 2021 - new beginnings
We’re back, and how we’ve missed you! Portobello Live returns this year to new dates in July in a redesigned, streamlined format. We’re keeping the party in one place this year, transforming Maxilla into a pleasure dome of music, poetry and dancing indoors and out as we celebrate a return to freedom and a light shining at the end of the tunnel. We’ll be practicing whatever guidelines apply at the time, keeping you all safe and providing a much-needed local party for everyone to catch up with friends old and new.
Concentrating the festival in one venue this year will help us do this properly and make it easier for you to party safely and happily. No long walks between venues, no queues, just a bunch of indoor and outdoor stages and hopefully some glorious summer sunshine to bask in.
A percentage of all tkt sales go to Justice4Grenfell 💚