Owen writes and records his own tracks on life and his youthful experiences. You can get lost in this artist, as you follow in his reality stories. From the funny, to the serious, to even his first love song! The room drops in silence as soon as Owen opens his mouth. This musician is a captivator completely in his own right and style.
Owen has a distinctive vocal and throws in some rap for good measure! He can even take on another artist’s song and twist it into its own 'Owen Penrice'.
Owen likes to experiment with samples, and when he performs with just his guitar he lives to bring his fresh feeling and raw talent to the stage. He has an overwhelming talent when it comes to captivating his audience.
Fans of Owen Penrice have even formed strong opinions on whether they prefer his acoustic set’s to his current recorded experiments.
You can catch Owen on local radio waves and UK gig’s, from the South to the North. Stay tuned to your T.V’s also, as a possible outcome could soon be on the horizon..
"It can feel a real privilege just to see this musician perform. So come and snap and lap up this young man before soon, you might have to pay!" - Hit The Floor Magazine