Matchbox Cineclub show films in Glasgow, Scotland. We aim to show films that you haven’t seen and no-one else is showing, but hopefully without being dicks about it. If you can come to one of our screenings, on the third Thursday of any month, you’re a member and everyone is welcome.

In July 2016, we begin a monthly residency at CCA, Glasgow. From January 2015 to June 2016, we had a residency at The Old Hairdressers, Glasgow, screening our own selection of cinematic orphans, outcasts and outliers every month. We show weird movies, cult movies, lost and banned movies, or films that have simply slipped through the cracks and deserve another look.

In the past, we’ve hosted screenings at CCA, Nice N Sleazy, The Banshee Labyrinth, Sofi’s Bar and Doune The Rabbit Hole. We’ve teamed up with Glasgow Film Festival, Glasgow International Comedy Festival, Physical Impossibility, Alliance Française and Scalarama.

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