Marzella are a Swiss singer-songwriter duo based in London and formed by Marzia and Ella. Playing together for now 6 years, they have just released their first album, To You.

With a music that defines itself with a mix of Italian and English, intricate vocal harmonies, melodic guitar arrangements and dynamics that will take you on a journey filled with different states of emotion, Marzella privilege sharing and complicity within the duo and with the audience.

These two young ladies are currently music students at the British and Irish Institute of Modern Music in London, and travel around Europe to perform.

"When we ask Marzella to describe their music, they talk about folk-rock. Don’t believe them. Their new songs are far too intricate to enter this all-purpose category." (RTS La 1ère, émission Paradiso, CH)

"Their friendship transparent in the ease with each their voices merge together in perfect harmony"(Svetlana Vassileva, live bassist for Moby)

"Composing clever folk melodies, they succeed, the time of a song, in taking us out of our daily routines and into their sweet and melodic universe." (L'Artpigiste, CH)

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