Somewhere back in time a bunch of absolute reprobates under the moniker of Knock Out Kaine won Kerrang's Best New Unsigned Act. This was their first official acknowledgement that possibly they had more to offer than singalongs in a boozy backstreet bar in Lincoln. Followed up with KKKK live reviews in Kerrang! magazine, an eye-opening jaunt through Europe with Adler's Appetite (featuring Steven Adler of Guns N Roses infamy) & all culminating with an appearance at Download Festival & Special Guests to Status Quo, the stage (excuse the pun) was well & truly set for world domination.

But this is Knock Out Kaine. A band that lived every minute of every lyric that frontman Dean Foxx sang. Their critically acclaimed debut album 'House Of Sins' (2012) offers up an insight into the dark and debauched lifestyle they had become. Tracks such as 'House of Sins', 'Little Crystal' & 'Liquor' are purely autobiographical & evoke the very spirit of 80s rock n roll.

The band released their first official music video for 'Set The Night On Fire' which featured a cameo appearance from none other than Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden.

Under new management, a new record label quickly followed and Knock Out Kaine began work on their 2nd album 'Rise Of The Electric Jester'. Recorded at Axis studios & mastered at AIR studios the album has been met with extreme positivity and shows how the band have matured from the earlier HOS period. Reviews have suggested a likeness to bands such as Queen & Guns n Roses.

Knock Out Kaine have just received a 10/10 live review from Powerplay Rock Magazine (May 2015 issue).

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