Bored to tears by a world endlessly stuck on nostalgia with all the troublesome ideas stripped away like meat from a bone. Brought together by the naive and hopelessly outdated belief that music can be something more than something nice to play quietly in the background. Because there's few things more satisfying than jumping around and making noise and singing till your lungs explode.
We couldn't find what we wanted to hear (something hitting that sweet spot between pop, electronica and post-rock) so we figured that we'd just have to make it ourselves.
A billion years in the future when everything we know is gone: when we're huddled around campfires wielding luminescent instruments made of teeth and metal, strings and skin, bones and shells - reminiscing the glory of the 21st Century: this is the what you'll hear. Played as loud as possible to keep all the monsters away.
Only nothing is impossible.