Southampton-based singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Pip Summers was spat out of a deep hole in the Earth in 2000, and has wandered aimless ever since. Wherever there is music and good vibes you can find Pip somewhere close by, singing her heart out as hard as she can to a small but growing crowd of appreciative listeners and friends.

A DIY punk musician at heart, with a belting voice to back it up, Pip continually searches through any music she can get her grubby little mitts on, in search of flavours, textures and tools to bring back to her own writing. Through her trials and (many) errors she has developed a style of songwriting unique to her - with loud, tightly-controlled vocals, strums on her acoustic so hard people worry it’ll break, and soft words set to melodies that sing of mental health struggles, friendship and community spirit, and queer experiences. Her live shows, where she's often joined by her band of merry boys, The Wandering Waterbears, are a finely tuned balance of controlled chaotic fun, honest and heartfelt screaming, and an emotional earnestness that runs deep through everything Pip does.

With over 300 shows under her belt, and having played alongside the likes of Felix Hagan And The Family, Fresh, ME REX, Jonah Matranga and Jon Snodgrass, Pip has also developed a strong performance presence and a relaxed energy that she brings to her live sets with the hope of creating a space that everyone can feel safe in and enjoy.

Pip released her first self-produced EP The Black Paintings in 2017 and has so far released 9 more since, including 2020’s critically-praised Black Light, which was noted for its “great sense of story-telling (...), it almost feels like you’re listening to someone reading the pages of a novel.” Between those two sits releases such a 2019’s Hazel (A full-band studio record exploring the dying gasps of true childhood) and 2018’s Sad Songs For Somber Sundays (A collection of singles that were released once every Sunday through Winter of that year). Pip also has a penchant for experimenting with composing instrumental pieces, as seen on releases such as (II) and (IV).

Coming out of a two-year hiatus, Pip has recently made an explosive return to the Southampton music scene, playing songs new and old which aim to excite the mind and warm the heart. With more raw energy and passion than ever before - guys, gals and non-binary pals, it’s Pip Summers!

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