鹿児島出身、現役大学3年生のシンガーソングライター。 144cmの体から解き放たれる 「ミニマム/パワフル/ポップロック」は多くのファンを魅了している。
A singer-songwriter currently in her 3rd year at university, the music described as “minimal, powerful pop rock” that is unleashed from Yukino’s small frame has captured the imagination of many listeners.
Her kawaii/cute appearance makes her an idol especially among her female fans, enabling her to stand out from other current pop icons.
As the daughter of a calligrapher and an art teacher, Yukino has a natural talent when it comes to expressing herself through art.
Currently studying psychology through her love of literature, the lyrics she writes highlights various emotions in a unique yet versatile style.
2016年1月に開催されたSneaker Ages関東大会予選を突破し、グランプリ大会に出場。 同じく1月に日本テレビ”笑ってコラえて”の取材を受け、全国放送にてオリジナル曲「Tear」を披露。その時の動画がTwitterを中心にネットで多くの反響を呼んだ。
Upon graduating from secondary school, Yukino moved to Tokyo with the aim of becoming a professional musician.
After successfully making the finals of the Sneaker Ages tournament through the Kantou Qualifiers in January 2016, an appearance in a popular Japanese TV program called “Waratte Koraete” followed in which she performed her original song, “Tear”. Yukino gained many new followers after the footage of this performance was shared many times on platforms such as Twitter.
She played her first gig abroad at London in July 2017, where she caught the attention of the local media.