Junk EP - Tuff Love

Junk EP


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Tuff Love are Julie Eisenstein (guitar), Suse Bear (bass) - two girls from Glasgow who cut beautifully distorted guitar gems.

Their debut, Junk EP, recorded in Suse's flat, is the sound of pure summer; dazzling, sun-streaked fuzz pop, with soft, burning melodies, and big smiling harmonies. You'll be won over by the woozy vocals and fierce guitars of 'Sweet Discontent', by the crash and jangle of 'Flamingo', by the sweetly off-kilter 'Copper' and 'Poncho' with its crunchy riff and adorably awkward lines à la "Stranded in a car park with almost nothing on / I don't feel myself today / Would you give me a hand?".

The physical EP is a limited edition run, on 10" white vinyl - housed in a süper-shiny glossy sleeve, so immaculate you'll want to eat yer puddin' aff it.