Healing Fire of Mantra (live) DVD
Große Auswahl von Liedern die Satyaa und Pari während ihrer Konzerte und Seminare
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Große Auswahl von Liedern die Satyaa und Pari während ihrer Konzerte und Seminare
Auf dieser DVD befindet sich eine große Auswahl von Liedern die Satyaa und Pari während ihrer Konzerte und Seminare aufgeführt haben, sowie einige wunderschöne Aufnahmen aus der Privatsphäre ihres Zuhauses. Zusätzlich findet man eine alte Aufnahme aus Lucknow in Indien, wo Satyaa und Pari oftmals bei den Satsangs von Papaji gesungen haben. Die Botschaft von Frieden, Liebe und Freiheit ist der göttliche Funken, der beim Hören der kraftvollen Mantren in unseren Herzen entspringt.
- Hare Hare Om Namoh
- Krishna Krishna
- Jai Shiva Shankara
- Jai Durge Jagatambe
- Hare Krishna
- Surrender
- Om Poornam
- Tumi Bhaja Re Mana
- Aham Brahmasmi
- Vande Gurudev
- Global Anthem 5:52
- Jai Radha Madhav
- Inverview with Satyaa & Pari
- Singing for Papaji
A great choice of songs of Satyaa & Pari during their concerts and seminars.
You'll find a great selection of songs from Satyaa and Pari during their concerts and seminars on this DVD. Included are also some of the most beautiful recordings from the surroundings of their private home. In addition to that there's also one song on the DVD which Satyaa and Pari played during satsangs of Papaji. The message of peace, love and freedom is the divine spark that springs forth from our hearts while hearing the powerful mantras.
Artist name:
Satyaa + Pari
Year released:
Satyaa + Pari
Pari - Vocals, Acoustic Guitar
Satyaa - Vocals
Praful - Vocals, Basuri, Harmonium, Sax, Keyboards…
Manish Vyas - Tablas
Hans Christian- Cello, Dhilruba, Sarangi, Sitara
Ananda Steinert- el. Guitar, Slide Guitar, Sitar
Afra Mussawisade: percussions
Gopal Anand - Acoustic Guitar
Artists Bio:
In the early 1990’s Satyaa, originally from Switzerland, and Pari, who is Greek, met in Lucknow, India at the sangha of Sri HWL Poonjaji. Papaji as he was lovingly called by his devotees, emphasized the importance of Bhakti, devotion, as a direct way to recognize God within ourselves. Both Satyaa and Pari were called to sing for Papaji, and in this way they were brought together and eventually married at the ashram with Papaji’s blessing.
Their mutual love for the Divine is expressed in Satyaa´s and Pari´s music which is mostly self-composed mantras and devotional songs, and also includes some beautiful traditional bhajans.
Satyaa and Pari share their music and their love at the Alexis Zorbas center in Corfu, Greece where they live in summer, and during the winter months at various yoga centers in Europe.
For more information ,visit the website of Satyaa & Pari and their center’s website: www.satyaa-pari.com and www.alexiszorbas.com