Face Doesn't Fit
Thoughts & Observations (Download) - Phil Cooper

Thoughts & Observations (Download)

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Shake It Up
Looking Through the Blindfold
Face Doesn't Fit
Keep Something Inside
Thoughts & Observations (Introduction)
Road Songs
Paradox (Jamie's Song)
Only A Song
Fear Factory
Everywhere I Go

Stereo Stickman “…Phil Cooper’s music is the sort that reaches out to just about any one who is living…”

Dancing About Architecture “… Thoughts and Observations is the sound of a bunch of great songs being put on a pedestal, it is also everything you expect from Phil Cooper, subtle and supple songs that sit equidistant between cult favourites and easy commerciality…”

Folking.com “…Phil Cooper’s singer-songwriting style is firmly in the pop-folk arena: ringing guitar, tight bass and drums and clever use of backing vocals…songs of social comment, fine songs, too…”