School's Out - Magician's Nephew Band

School's Out


School's Out

Written and performed by Magician’s Nephew Band ©2016

MNB original track produced by legendary rock producer Stuart Epps (Elton John, Oasis, Led Zeppelin).

"Packing for my flight I just got a new kite Can’t forget my games or the books for the night

My teddy and pijamas Are all ready to go I’m taking my new shirts They are white as snow – because

The sun is shinning in the sky Don’t need to wear my silly tie

School is out I’m on holiday School is out It’s a rocking day

School is out I’m on holiday School is out What a glorious day

look out of the window the taxi’s outside We are rushing to go out Get the snacks for the ride

Everyone together And the cab smells nice The driver is so kind Only charged us half price

No books to carry all day long Let’s go crazy singing this song

School is out I’m on holiday School is out It’s a rocking day

School is out I’m on holiday School is out What a glorious day"