Monday Mornings - Magician's Nephew Band

Monday Mornings


Monday Mornings.wav

Written and performed by Magician’s Nephew Band ©2016

Another Monday morning and I’m going to school My books in the bag and I feel like a mule The schedule for the day will be heavy and tough Sure by lunch time it will be quite enough

I can’t multiply and my tables are wrong Doesn’t make a difference even singing a song Division and addition are all over the place In geometry my angles cause acute headache

But it is cool I can play the guitar It is all good I want to be a star It’s OK we’re gonna make a stand (with our rock’n roll band) We’ll be fine you’ll be my biggest fan

Back into the class we just had our break It’s History again oh for goodness sake Henry and the wives are the topic on show Naughty Anne Boleyn is the only one I know

Why can’t we study our future instead Rumours from the past never stick in my head Grammar and spellings doesn’t make any sense Future’s not simple and the past is all tense

But it is cool I can play the guitar It is all good I want to be a star It’s OK we’re gonna make a stand (with our rock’n roll band) We’ll be fine you’ll be my biggest fan

I’m gonna play the guitar In my rock’n’roll band I’m gonna make it far I’m gonna be a star