Isaac Success
Name: Isaac "Look Mama I'm Pissing on the TV" Success
Hometown: Karlstad, Sweden
DOB: 25/9/1985
First Job: Stealing lingonberries off dinner plates from public restaurants, eating them, passing them, then repackaging and reselling to elderly wealthy women as make-up pearls.
Favourite Food: Janssons frestelse w/ pickled sprats
Hidden Talent: Vomiting in a pint glass and deceptively offering it out at parties as unsullied alcohol to unsuspecting victims
Did you know? Isaac escaped a life of running cigarettes and illegal fireworks to become part of Karlstad's underground bus hopping scene. if you drove a bus in the city between 2000-2005, there's a good chance Isaac hopped your bumper; in an outlandish swipe against the then tyrannic regime of the 50 Krona fare
Personal Quote: "Let me tell you now that I have never knowingly stamped on a fly and neither do I intend to do so. I'm all like 'woah guys, chill! I'm minding my own business here; enjoy your meal!"