Stillwater: Songs & Chants

An Album of Contemporary Spiritual Music


A PDF booklet containing all lyrics is available to download along with the song tracks.

This is an album of contemporary chants and intuitive songportraits, recorded live through several years of musical gatherings and private sessions, orchestrated afterwards in the studio. It offers the listener an audible window into the globally emergant world of devotional ‘heart singing’, as well as the unique artistry of intuitive songmaking.

Many of the chants (repeated choruses) originated as 'songportraits'- spontaneous, intuitively created songs responding to one person's request or theme . Several of these original songportraits are included on the album, with orchestration underscoring the music and words.

This album features recordings from across Germany: Bad Herrenalb, Bobingen, Burgau, Melle, Munich, Nürnberg, as well as from Assisi, Italy. With great appreciation for the singers and hosts of ChantWave song gatherings and seminars, thank you for your beautiful expression.

“Music that the world needs- beautiful and sacred” -Lynn Kirkham, founder, Yes You Can Speak

“Great sounds for our times” --Gay Hendricks, Author of The Big Leap

"An amazing bouquet of flavors and sounds, color and texture….just love the variety and beauty in each piece."
-Roberta Godbe

"Michael Stillwater blesses the world with his deeply-sourced, heartfelt music. I have been a huge fan of Michael for many years, marveling at his creativity and ability to tap into the richest affirmative lyrics to heal and uplift. If you are seeking peace of mind, encouragement, and connection to yourself and the universe, this music from the fountain of love will take you there."
-Alan Cohen award-winning bestselling author of A Deep Breath of Life

"Hundreds of communities over the decades have been deeply affected by Michael Stillwater's songs and spiritual leadership. Now, Michael has produced a splendid album of musical gems accompanied by him on guitar-- memorable songs that have brought people together to celebrate joy, love, caring and devotion"
-Morten Lauridsen, Composer / Recipient, National Medal of Arts

Produced through Inner Harmony

Michael Stillwater and Doris Laesser Stillwater, co-producers

Words, Music & Arrangements by Michael Stillwater

all songs © 2024 Inner Harmony Music BMI

Mastered by Mike Bemesderfer

Album graphics by Muriel Kuoppala

Electric bass on 'In the Name' and 'Feel the Blessing' by Markus Soffner


Cover photo, Sandtrees of Aotearoa (NZ), by Michael Stillwater

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