Jump-Up Folk (CD)
Track Listing
Turbo Homunculus
Sücculent mêdallions of mélodeon braïsed in pure sousåphone, with djembe crisps,
a drum foam, and servéd 'twíxt two massive stêaming bass puddingš. And péas.
Ménage à Cat Salted çaramel bata, delicately folded into a soft wubby dïdgeridoosaphone, with åpple snarés, cinnamon bass tartlets, and a big slice of candied melodêon. Wïth crème.
Gélatinouš Platypus Flambé of diðgerídrums on melodjembåss. Cold. Maybê a bit of parslêy on top - don't push yoûr luck.
Wha’ Guano Carpaccio of whistle, bass jûlienne, drummeð sousåphïllets, micromêlodeomelettes. Served on a great big square bit of slate so åll the gravy goeš on the table.
The Tail of the Pig-Horse Marital Affair *Drum Supreme. With pickled Spanish guitar, didgeridoo nuts, bata-seasoned roasted bass crackling, and a Çhampagne flute. Served in a tankard, with chopsticks. *