'Beggars Who Believe' Released!
Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that we present to you, our debut E.P., 'Beggars Who Believe'!
From the 'SHOP' or 'MUSIC' tab on our official website, you can stream or purchase our glorious sounds; much to the delight of your ears.
For a limited time only, you can also get the EP for FREE when you buy one of our t-shirts! Just look for the t-shirt and EP bundle in our shop.
Our digital partners have also received the E.P. and you will find it on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon and Spotify in the coming days. We'll update when they make it there alive!
We hold this E.P. close to our hearts as it includes the first song we wrote as a band, 'Blind Drunk', alongside newer material such as 'Beggars on the Street'. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster for us since we formed 40 Shillings on the Drum, and we're excited that we can put this collection out there as a milestone, before we begin working towards our debut album.
We hope you enjoy what you hear and feel free to blast it out of your homes or cars, sharing it with other people, whether they like it or not!
See you at a show soon!
Love & Rum