Garden - digital download - C Duncan

Garden - digital download

Bundle includes 'Garden' and exclusive B Side 'Dance' - Available as digital download


‘Garden’ opens up another new window into the colourful and magical world Christopher’s music inhabits. Previous singles have been gentle and warm (‘Say’, ‘For’) or sweet and whimsical (‘Here To There’), but ‘Garden’ is something different. Its character is expressed perfectly by its lysergic, psychedelic promo video, in which an inquisitive scientist’s pastoral summer studying is twisted into a bent and disorientating trip. Musically too, ‘Garden’ is crafted as much from multi-layered choral vocal harmonies as it is from mischievous psych guitar lines (fittingly enough, recorded on a Spanish nylon-string when Christopher’s electric guitar was at the repair shop).

'Garden' also features exclusive track 'Dance' as part of the bundle which will be available on July 6th 2015!