The Jungle
'The Jungle' is my exploration of true understanding of the craziness that occurs when one tries to actually think. I don't recommend it.
'The Jungle' is my exploration of true understanding of the craziness that occurs when one tries to actually think. I don't recommend it. I explore new genres and new ways of putting songs together. I truly believe it is something special. credits released December 9, 2016
All music written, recorded and produced by B.W. Johnson (except lyrics to Track 1 'The Jungle', written by Saskia Johnson aged nine, and lyrics to Track 2 'Bad For Me', written by Max Johnson).
Executive Production on Track 3 'The Soul's Grown Cold' by Harry Ling.
All recorded on an iPhone 6 using the apps 'Garageband' and 'DM1 Drum Machine'.