Genie Genie - Lust Over You (Single Review)
Genie Genie successfully walks the line between psychedelia, middle eastern, and alternative rock with an unflinching debut leaking with raw charm
Glam may have been on the backbone of trendy since the 80s but one look at the Genie Genie's half-naked, lipstick smeared, mullet indulging image proves that maybe everyone should have a wash in that avant-garde bath to wash away that conservative frown. Genie Genie is reminiscent of the androgyny of Bowie, Bolan, a hyper-saturated Gary Numan and successfully walks the line between psychedelia, middle eastern, and alternative rock.
Lust Over You is an unflinching debut single leaking charm all over the floor and is quite frankly a breath of fresh air in the midst of a pandemic. The sonic landscape is equally nightmarish, fascinating, and sensual and honestly, I'm 99% sure Andy Warhol would have approved.
Lust Over You kickstarts with a panning drone and some sludgy synth parts. Genie Genie, while dripping in reverb, declares "Feel your eyes contemplate" before an organ harasses the mix. Despite its hyper dissonance, Phrygian dominant sound, and volatile production, Lust Over You is brimming with pop-sensibilities in melodic hooks. You might struggle to distinguish the words, but if you give them a chance, they will present themself to you, and it's satisfying. A strong chorus hook in the form of "Lust over you, I feel like a man" and some abstract lyricism like "Time feels so weird when timezones flow like tears" to act as some brain food, there is plenty to unpack throughout.
In the future, I would like to see the leap into a higher fidelity of production so we can indulge in all the unusual sounds presenting themselves with a bit more clarity. Moreover, I would love for Genie Genie to lean into the abstract even more and become a living personification/musical equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting.
In conclusion, Genie Genie's raw debut may not be for everyone, but for those who don't mind being challenged a little by their music or indulging in the weird then Lust For You may just be the thing to get you excited while lockdown is driving you crazy.
4/5 - Very excited for future projects, highly recommend.
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- Written by Joshua Ingham.