P.C.T [Q1]EP Shares [1/600 @ 0.1% each] - P.C.T

P.C.T [Q1]EP Shares [1/600 @ 0.1% each]

P.C.T [Q1]EP SHARES [1/600 @0.1% each]


We're NOT a 'major', so we need ALL the help that we can get to PRODUCE... That said, by dividing the cost of a quality EP by 600 'shares' (£5 each [with 0.1% ownership of [1st-quarter] profits from any such EP]), we could produce EPs MUCH more often with the help of EP Shareholders (whilst REALLY involving supporters in what we do). So, if you purchase any share(s) in an EP, you will get a certificate proving your entitlement to the relevant portion of any [1st-quarter] profits generated by it, as well as a royalty statement showing EP earnings, a credit in the 'About/Links' section (as WELL as bragging rights;) AND, most importantly, our ETERNAL gratitude. By the way, feel free to tell EVERYONE you know about this, as the faster we reach the costs of new EPs, the MORE QUICKLY we can produce them!!! LOVE